Best tips to get Adsense approval for WordPress or blogger in 2024

Hey readers, Hope you are enjoyed this year as well, As you guys know that New year is coming soon. And we start hearing about increasing cases of COVID-19 Again. And it is also possible that this year again due to Covid-19 there will be a lockdown. As due to the lockdown people had to face a lot of problems financially. So people started doing work from home. But this work was for those people who had a job, but what about those who are jobless, how will they be able to earn money. Therefore AdSense is one of the best ways to earn money online at home. No matter where you are, you can be on YouTube or the Website but still you need an Google AdSense account in order to monetize your platform.

Best tips to get Adsense approval for WordPress or blogger in 2024

In Today’s Blog post article, I’ll provide you a proven Checklist on Fastest AdSense Approval.

This is 2024 and As AdSense has changed their terms and conditions of Approving a new AdSense Account, But If you followed all the rules and regulations below no one can stop you to get it approved quickly.

READ MORE : What is Demat Account, Benifits, Types of Demat Account : Full Explanation 2024

Best tips to get Adsense approval for WordPress or blogger in 2024 OVERVIEW

Get the Fundamentals Right– Clean and professional design.<br> – Mobile responsiveness.<br> – Reliable web hosting.
Necessary Pages on Your Website– Home, About Us, Contact, Privacy Policy.<br> – Additional pages based on content/business needs.
Easy Website Navigation– Clear and intuitive navigation menu.<br> – Descriptive labels for menu items.
Website Should Be Six Months Old– Age is not the sole factor but indicates stability and commitment.<br> – Consistent updates and improvements.
Sufficient Content– Enough content to provide value.<br> – Regular updates to keep the site fresh and engaging.
Write High-Quality and Original Content– Informative, relevant, and valuable content.<br> – Originality in content creation.
Consistent Writing– Regularly update and add new content.<br> – Maintain a consistent posting schedule.
Avoid YMYL Niched Websites– Be cautious with topics related to “Your Money or Your Life” (YMYL).


Follow the given 10 steps Below in order to get assured AdSense Approval quickly.

If You are a person busy and don’t have time to read the full article, but also have a decent knowledge about AdSense then i have created this quick shortlist for you make sure check this out।


  • Purchase a Premium Domain Name like (.com .in .co .net .info .xyz etc)
  • Setup a your blog site on WordPress or Blogger.
  • Install a Responsive and Adsense friendly Theme or Template. (WordPress:- Generate Press and Blogger:- Newplus etc.
  • Create Important Pages (must create pages like – Privacy Policy, Terms & Conditions)
  • Create Navigation sections for Menus
  • Verify Your website on DMCA.
  • Choose a Niche about Product and All.
  • Atleast Write 10 – 20 Unique Content.
  • Now Properly submit your site on Google.
  • Apply for Google AdSense after 30 Days.

But if you still don’t Understand that How to get AdSense Approval by checking the shortlist mentioned above then I request you to read this entire article and I promise you you will get that Golden Gift this year!

AdSense Approval is not as easy as you think, it is a kinda tough but not that impossible, I am giving you magical Mantra, I’m guiding you about how to get Google Approval for AdSense. 90% of Bloggers got rejected due to inappropriate knowledge about AdSense, Now if once you cleared that how AdSense works and Why they Approved Bloggers, youtubers then AdSense Approval is going to be very easy for you!

Now Read carefully and follow each point!

Purchase a Premium Domain Name

Everyone wants to start blogging without any investment, they don’t want to invest even a single penny, and that was right in the before even now also, but it is very tough. As you guys know Google AdSense is a very respective Ad platform in the whole world, So At least you have to purchase a Premium Domain name example .com .in .co .net .info .xyz etc.

Precautions: Don’t use any Company’s registered trademarks or popular words in your domain ex: Amazon, Google, Apple.

Set up a blog website on WordPress or Blogger

Obviously, You need to set up a Blog site and connect that domain. You can use any WordPress or it totally depends on you, but I preferred to use the WordPress platform (but not the Free one, I’m Talking about premium WordPress with Hosting )

Install a Responsive and Adsense friendly Theme or Template.

It is one of the most important things, that Ads are premium and Google definitely doesn’t want to place those paid Ads to well not optimised sites. So make sure that you have properly customized your site with Professional Themes(You Can use Free themes also here some of my recommended themes for WordPress & Blogger), In upcoming articles.

Create Important Pages (must create pages like – Privacy Policy, Terms & Conditions)

After General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)Low Google and all other Big Companies strictly follow these guidelines, So Make sure to your web site is also following the same. For this You must have to create a Privacy Policy and Terms and Condition Page. These Two pages are compulsory for each blog rather than you may also create some additional pages like contact us, about Us, Affiliate Discloser, Disclaimer and DMCA Copyrights(these totally depend in which niche you are blogging for).

You can use Online Generator Tools to generate these:

Privacy Policy Generator
DMCA Generator
Terms and Condition generator

Create Navigation sections for Menu

According to AdSense’s Site Policy, You have to make your site easier for viewers to find your each and every content in your site. This means you must have to create a proper navigation menu in which a user could navigate your site. Recommendations creating a footer menu where you can set all additional pages and a primary menu where will be arranged by categories.

Verify Your website on DMCA.

Authoritativeness is Important for prooving your point’s Information, And submitting your point to the DMCA will do that job. Simply Submit Your point onDMCA.COM and also add a emblem to your point So That Google and druggies both take your content seriously

Choose a Niche about Product and All.

Before Applying for AdSense You have to understand why AdSense Approves Websites! and it’s veritably simple, That Google wants to show their Advertisements which have been submitted by different Advertisers and every advertiser Announce their product and services only. So the simple Trick is you have to produce content that matches those products of advertisements.

So when you’ll apply for ADSENSE Google originally check your Content that’s Announce friendly or not.
Now I suppose it’s clear what type of Niche you have to elect and what content you should write.

Atleast Write 10 – 20 Unique Content.

According to Google AdSense’s Webmaster quality guidelines, You have to give Value to your content which will create a Reason for visiting readers to your website, Also try to avoid any kind of Copyright content. It means you have to write Unique articles but Valuable content at least 10 or 20 before Applying for AdSense.

Now Properly submit your site on Google.

Now! You have to submit your site to the Google Search control first, It helps AdSense to better understand The content provided and goal of your site

Apply for Google AdSense after 30 Days.

Now after completing all these requirements, You can submit your blogsite for Google AdSense Monetization, All of the tasks can take at least 30-50 days So make sure that you don’t skip any of the rules that I had mentioned above.

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